What Does Not Fit Can be Made to Fit! Trade-Offs in Distributed Ledger Technology Designs von Tobias Dehling
Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (nominated for the best paper award), Wailea, Maui, am…
From Hype to Reality: A Taxonomy of Blockchain Applications von Tobias Dehling
Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, Wailea, Maui, am 8. Januar 2019. Beschreibung: Die CII-Forschungsgruppe…
Trade-Offs Between Distributed Ledger Technology Characteristics
Niclas Kannengiesser, Sebastian Lins, Tobias Dehling, Ali Sunyaev (2020). In ACM Computing Surveys 53(2):42:1-42:37. DOI: 10.1145/3379463…
Mind the Gap: Trade-Offs between Distributed Ledger Technology Characteristics
Niclas Kannengiesser, Sebastian Lins, Tobias Dehling, Ali Sunyaev (2019). In arXiv preprint arXiv:1906.00861. DOI: [nicht verfügbar]…
What Does Not Fit Can be Made to Fit! Trade-Offs in Distributed Ledger Technology Designs
Niclas Kannengiesser, Sebastian Lins, Tobias Dehling, Ali Sunyaev (2019). In Proceedings of the 52nd Hawaii…
From Hype to Reality: A Taxonomy of Blockchain Applications
O. Labazova, Tobias Dehling, Ali Sunyaev (2019). In Proceedings of the 52nd Hawaii International Conference…